Building Relationships • Developing Leaders • Acting for Justice

United Power for Action and Justice
DuPage United
Lake County United
Fox River Valley Initiative

In solidarity with our 100+ member institutions throughout the Chicagoland area affiliated with the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation, we  appealing to our leaders, friends, and allies for a contribution that will help our member institutions do the following things in this time of crisis when we cannot gather together physically.

  1. Give our member institutions the financial ability to provide direct service and financial help for the most vulnerable in our immediate community, including the homeless, the undocumented, and/or the unemployed.
  2. Support our member institutions’ efforts to get at the root causes of what ails our city, state, nation, and world on issues such as ending the incarceration of the mentally ill, building affordable and accessible housing at scale, and holding gun manufacturers accountable for producing safer locks and weapons and distributing them only through responsible vendors.
  3. Ensure the financial stability and cash flow of our member institutions during this time of financial uncertainty, including lowering our expenses through the Community Purchasing Alliance.
  4. Allow our congregations to creatively and effectively support, encourage, and recognize those on the front lines of fighting the coronavirus, including healthcare professionals and support staff, local businesses, government officials at every level, and the media.

Donate to a special appeal during this time of crisis.

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Funding will support regional work of our 4 affiliates.